Mitigate - определение. Что такое Mitigate
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Что (кто) такое Mitigate - определение

Mitigate; Mitigates; Mitigated; Mitigating; Mitigant; Mitigants; Mitigation (disambiguation); Mitigation strategy; Risk mitigation

·vt To make mild and accessible; to Mollify;
- applied to persons.
II. Mitigate ·vt To make less severe, intense, harsh, rigorous, painful, ·etc.; to Soften; to Meliorate; to Alleviate; to Diminish; to Lessen; as, to mitigate heat or cold; to mitigate grief.
¦ verb [often as adjective mitigating] make less severe, serious, or painful.
mitigable adjective
mitigation noun
mitigator noun
mitigatory adjective
ME: from L. mitigat-, mitigare 'soften, alleviate'.
The verbs mitigate and militate are often confused. Mitigate means 'make less severe', as in drainage schemes have helped to mitigate this problem, while militate is used with against to mean 'be a powerful factor in preventing', as in laws that militate against personal freedom.
v. (pompous) (d; intr.) to mitigate against ('to make difficult') USAGE NOTE: Many consider the use of mitigate in place of militate to be substandard.



Mitigation is the reduction of something harmful or the reduction of its harmful effects. It may refer to measures taken to reduce the harmful effects of hazards that remain in potentia, or to manage harmful incidents that have already occurred. It is a stage or component of emergency management and of risk management. The theory of mitigation is a frequently used element in criminal law and is often used by a judge to try cases such as murder, where a perpetrator is subject to varying degrees of responsibility as a result of one's actions.

Примеры произношения для Mitigate
1. and mitigate click fatigue, mitigate scroll fatigue,
_ Tina Sharkey _ Talks at Google
2. to mitigate these issues.
Chinese Politics & Authoritarian Regimes _ Professor Rory Truex _ Talks at Google
3. wired to mitigate risk.
No Escape _ John Erick Dowdle & Drew Dowdle_ Talks at Google
4. we want to mitigate.
Unmanned Aerial Traffic System _ Parimal Kopardekar _ Talks at Google
5. helping mitigate the problem?
Everything is Broken Up and Dances _ Edoardo Nesi _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Mitigate
1. Steps can be taken to mitigate the risks, however.
2. To mitigate the intensity of floods, State Chief Secretary D.K.
3. Developing these areas would mitigate pressure on city roads.
4. For once, real estate stocks helped mitigate the losses.
5. What can America do to mitigate the Iraq disaster?